Help us SAVE LIVES in your Community. Get Paid over and over a referral fee of $50. Work from home money.

Thanks for requesting more information on how you can help save lives!!!

I wanted to let you know that for me to help reduce the Fall death rates among adults age 65 and older, which has increased about 30% from 2009 to the present,  I must consistently share my “all referrals business all the time” business...  and as I've already mentioned, I will reward you for your help. 

Below is a picture of our referral program. When you know of someone who is concerned about falling or simply wants to experience a fuller life, health, and independence, (giving their caregiver peace of mind) please contact me. Use the flyer below to claim your $50 per referral. You can refer as many people as you want and continue to get $50 per each. Many referrers earn $200 to $500 per month. 

To get started, use the contact form on this page to contact me and give me your name and email address. I will assign you a referral number. 

Print off a few of the flyers above or click here to open a pdf to print them. You can use these to share with others or you may choose to use the following information sheets. 

Click here to open and print off this information pdf so your referral has some idea about what we offer. He or she can use both sheets or just this information sheet to contact me and order. 

Be sure to write your name and your assigned # on the information forms. 

Share this with friends and loved ones. 

Let them know that if they are interested in more information to give me a call. 

When they do I will ask them how they heard of me and will ask for your name and the # whcih you've written on the form. Shortly after the order is processed and the unit has been in the home for at least 2 months, you'll get a Visa card for $50. 

If you have any questions, go ahead and include them when you use the contact form on this page. Please remember to tell me your name and email address and I will reply within a few days with your exclusive referral number. 

That's it. Thanks in advance for saving lives! 

Terry Scott

Connected Care Coordinator Twin Ports

PS. Following are links that will take you to our website and Facebook page.


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